VOC Reduction in the cleaning of lacquering tools and lacquer application systems is becoming increasingly important for the paint processing companies. In addition to reducing the VOC content of the products and solvent consumption, the main factors are the reduction of hazardous substances at the workplace. Bio-Circle Surface Technology GmbH from Gütersloh is expanding its product portfolio with a further cleaning system which is precisely for this purpose. The proven BIO-CIRCLE system with water-based cleaners, which cleanse even the most stubborn greases, now follows the PROLAQ system to replace the easy-to-use solvent for the cleaning of varnishing tools.
Refined double circulation system
The new system consists of two cleaning media and two machines that can be perfectly matched and freely combinable.
At first glance, the PROLAQ devices differ little from conventional washers or automatic cleaning systems. The sophistication lies in the internal structure of the systems and in the combination with tailor-made cleaners. The fluid is processed and circulated by a clever combination of sedimentation and filtration. The processing is integrated in the process and is carried out automatically without additional work steps. This is essentially divided into three areas. After the coarser pre-filter, a further separation of the particles and suspended matter from the cleaning liquid takes place in the calm sedimentation basin. Subsequently, the next fraction is separated off by the downstream fine filter and the medium thus processed is again available to the circuit. Depending on the lacquer input and the interaction of the lacquer with the cleaner, the service life in this way is increased by a number of times. This is regularly reflected in the much better solvent and VOC balance. Through multiple use of the medium costs, waste and resources are saved.

VOC-reduced cleaners
During the development of the cleaners, the focus was on sustainability and work safety, in addition to the VOC reduction. Even with the selection of the individual raw materials value was placed on a low hazard potential and thus for both cleaners a VOC content of less than 20% and the least labeling according to GHS reached. A major challenge was to remove the usual paint systems effectively and at the same time to make the cleaning process more efficient. For example, in the case of water-based PROLAQ L 100, the addition of the flocculants is completely omitted. With the new products PROLAQ L 100 and PROLAQ L 500, an alternative cleaning system is now available for both aqueous and solvent-based paints and paints. When using the PROLAQ system, no workplace exhaustion is necessary.