Hochdruck Teilewaschgeräte & Teilereiniger
Three closed washing chambers, with the BIO-CIRCLE HP simultaneously serving as a parts washer with brush (fulfilling this function with the lid open as well as closed). All three washing chambers operate with the power of high-pressure cleaning. They are all recyclable and remove oils and greases from heavily contaminated steel-, stainless-steel-, plastics- and other parts with complex geometries.
Their only mission: Making work easier for the user! For the components will be beautifully clean and shiny, and the workflow is simple, fast, and safe (provided the recommended cleaners are used).
- Manual cleaning using a flow brush, with the lid open or closed
- Cleaning temperature 45 °C
- Insulated tank ► prevents heat loss
- Adjustable working pressure from 8 up to 80 bar, optimal handling by means of a high-pressure pistol
- Payload up to 350 kg
- Facilitates crane loading
- Integrated oxygen supply ► significantly longer bath service life thanks to microorganisms
- Optimal cleaner and degreaser: BIO-CIRCLE L Turbo ► VOC- and label-free ► enhanced occupational safety, reduced operating costs
- Rotary table for manual operation as an optional extra
- Manual cleaning with the lid closed
- Adjustable cleaning temperature of up to 60 °C
- Adjustable working pressure of up to 80 bar, optimal handling by means of a high-pressure nozzle
- Compressed air pistol for parts drying
- Payload up to 150 kg
- Integrated oxygen supply ► significantly longer bath service life thanks to microorganisms
- Automatic switch-off via float switch if the level is too low (to protect the heating and the pump)
- Optimal low-foaming cleaners and degreasers: BIO-CIRCLE L Evo ► label-free ► enhanced occupational safety, reduced operating costs
- Manual cleaning with the lid closed
- Energy-saving cleaning at ambient temperature
- Adjustable working pressure of 20 - 40 bar, optimal handling by means of a high-pressure pistol
- Payload up to 100 kg
- Small footprint
- Damper on the lid ► easy handling
- Integrated washable filter ► low-maintenance

- Manual cleaning at high pressure of up to 80 bar (HP Vigo)
- Manual cleaning with low pressure/flow brush (HP) while the lid is open or closed
- Large workspace, high payload
- Pre-set optimal cleaning temperature, up to max. 60°C/140°F (HP Vigo)
- Insulated tank – prevents heat losses and saves energy
- Enhanced occupational safety: VOC and labeling-free cleaners
- Specially optimized, low-foam cleaner
Perfectly equipped at all times
With the original accessories for your BIO-CIRCLE product you’re always on the safe side, be it stainless steel inserts, brushes or filters.
Zur Zubehör-ÜbersichtWhat customers say:
The BIO-CIRCLE in your company.
Take a look at the site and see for yourself the excellent cleaning performance while providing the best protection for users and the environment.
Terms and conditionsMAKING GREEN WORK
We provide alternative system solutions in the field of surface technology with a special focus on sustainability and OSHE, without impairing efficiency.
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