The BIO-CIRCLE Turbo Stainless Steel – the efficient combination of fully automated and manual cleaning with the biological BIO-CIRCLE L Turbo cleaning fluid. Due to the spinning rack and the high spraying pressure the BIO-CIRCLE L Turbo can act optimally on the parts to be cleaned. For fast and accurate manual cleaning, the flow brush or the nozzle can be used instead of automatic cleaning mode.

- Solid stainless steel design with a high payload, heatable, factory-set to an optimal 50°C/122°F
- Sturdy stainless steel rack with mechanical spinning, touch button to spin the rack in idle mode for easy loading and unloading and for manual cleaning
- 2-in-1 combination of fully automated and manual cleaning depending on the application
- Automatic cleaning pressure of 4 bar
- High spray pressure
Perfectly equipped at all times
With the original accessories for your BIO-CIRCLE product you’re always on the safe side, be it stainless steel inserts, brushes or filters.
Zur Zubehör-ÜbersichtWhat customers say:
The BIO-CIRCLE in your company.
Take a look at the site and see for yourself the excellent cleaning performance while providing the best protection for users and the environment.
Terms and conditionsMAKING GREEN WORK
We provide alternative system solutions in the field of surface technology with a special focus on sustainability and OSHE, without impairing efficiency.
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