As dirt is in the way, disinfectants cannot reach the germs (e.g. viruses, fungi, bacteria). For the disinfectant to be fully effective, a thorough cleaning process must first be carried out. ...

It is known from the latest media reports that degreasing cleaners, so-called surfactant cleaners, are at the forefront in surface cleaning when it comes to viruses such as the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2. ...

Our new subsidiary in Brazil, bio-chem Cleantec, offers ...

The idea: football. Everybody knows, everybody watches & worldwide successful and popular. But what does this sector have to do with industrial cleaning?

You can make more profit and increase your customer base when you sell E-WELD Shield from Bio-Circle.

So far, your customers have been spending hours and hours every year cleaning the bars of their cutting systems. The slag on the...

PROLAQ is your solution when it comes to varnish removal! The spray gun washing machine offers uncompromised cleaning for all paint-shop parts, including spray guns, cylinders, hoses, suction supports, nozzles, tube systems, etc.

You benefit from the experience and support of skilful export managers who have already had success in the business. Meetings, phone calls as well as sales tips will optimize your sales techniques and expand your business knowledge, integrating...

You benefit from the experience and support of skilful export managers who have already had success in the business. Meetings, phone calls as well as sales tips will optimize your sales techniques and expand your business knowledge, integrating...

VOC Reduction in the cleaning of lacquering tools and lacquer application systems is becoming increasingly important for the varnishing industry. In addition to reducing the VOC content of the products and solvent consumption, the main factors are...